BCE Generic Device

Device Plugin Change Log
BCEProtocol build 9411 (2025-01-07)
- Fix week rollover issue
BCEProtocol build 8810 (2024-07-10)
- Fix OneWire variables
BCEProtocol build 8596 (2024-04-25)
- Migrate to the new OneWire implementation
- Rename MessageFields from SensorTemp{1..4} to Sensor_{1..4}_Temperature
- Rename OneWire variables from SensorTemp{1..4} to Sensor_{1..4}
BCEProtocol build 8342 (2024-02-20)
- Fix for mismatched message fields type/unit/description
BCEProtocol build 5554 (2021-4-28)
- Add CAN_TotalFuelUsed, CAN_FuelLevel, CAN_FuelLevelPercent, CAN_EngineSpeed, CAN_TotalEngineHours, CAN_WheelSpeed, FuelConsumptionInstant for Xirgo FMS500 Light device
BCEProtocol build 5169 (2021-2-11)
BCEProtocol build 5027 (2020-12-11)
- Fixed OdometerAcc values for Tacho device
southView complete changelog
Other BCE devices
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