December 2024
It's time to update your platform! In December, we added support for connecting and managing all GpsGate-integrated trackers from the Fleet app. Visit the App Store or Google Play to download and update.
Hey, we’re streamlining the way categorize User definitions in our platform. “Vehicle” is now “Asset” - for example, +Vehicle becomes +Asset in the Vehicle panel. We’ll continue to make changes to User definitions in upcoming releases. Stay updated for more updated GpsGate terminology changes.
Keep scrolling for more highlights or read our December Beta Release Notes for all the details!
- It's now easier to add Asset images with our new API
- Add support for connecting all integrated trackers from the Fleet app (GpsGate Cloud servers only)
- Add the ability to edit an asset's name, view tracker details and remove an asset in the Fleet app
Device plugins
User Experience
- Update text in Add Asset screens in the Fleet app
- Replace "Idling" with "Standstill" when viewing trips in the Fleet app
- Show idling time in hours and minutes format instead of rounded time on the trip list in the Fleet app
- Update text to distinguish Vehicles and Users from Assets
- Add a device username field to User, User Type, and User access mask forms
- Add tracker username, and tracker APN input fields to the Asset form
- Add the ability to save Transport protocol to the asset in the Asset form to keep track of how the asset communicates
- Improve handling of phone numbers in the Add Asset wizard
- Update styling and structure of the terminal logs for improved legibility and better responsive behavior
- Remove the "Site Administration Application" option from the applications menu and the application selector on the login page
- Improve responsiveness when viewing the history of device commands
Developer and System Admin
- Language file updates Arabic, Chinese SP, Chinese TR, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Portuguese BR, Spanish, Swedish
- Expose phone number variable to Edit user click script
- Add support for REST API to return HTTP status 429 Too Many Requests when the request is being throttled
Bugs happen. As soon as we know about them, we fix them to ensure GpsGate continues to run smoothly.
User Experience
- Fix an issue where the Daily Summary failed to display accumulator values when multiple assets were selected
- Fix broken behavior for long window titles
- Fix the broken layout in the Icon Sets window
Developer and System Admin
- Fix memory leak when making HTTP calls from scripts or event expression
- Fix events export
- Fix registering of successfully started message providers
Device plugins deprecated with November’s 2024 release: Omatics
Device plugins deprecated with October’s 2024 release: Nautech, NomadicSolutions, and Xlerate
Device plugins deprecated with September 2024’s release: LBS, UBlox, and Marcotte
Device plugins deprecated with June 2024’s release: Astrata, AstraTelematics, Atelematics, BCE, Bluetree, BOX, CAESSAT, cGuard, Continental, CWT, Cybergraphy, ErcoGener, Falcom, FlexTrack, FWPL, GenekoFox, Ghostway, ILC, InspireTech, Iridium, iTrac, iTriangle, KingSword, KMVD, Maxtrack, Megastek, NAL, Noran, Nyitech, Orion, Pegasus, PFTechnologies, Pretrace, Raveon, RITI, Superguard, TeamShar, Telnet, ThinkPower, TK100, Topin, Trendtek, Viczone, Visiontek, and Wirtrack.
See the current deprecation schedule in our support portal.