Cypress Solutions CTM-200

Device Plugin Change Log
Cypress build 8342 (2024-02-20)
- Fix for mismatched message fields type/unit/description
Cypress build 8114 (2023-11-28)
- Fix parsing of bool values
Cypress build 7997 (2023-11-09)
- Ignore invalid USR_STR messages
- Do not add to report empty/invalid values from USR_STR_7
Cypress build 7926 (2023-11-02)
- Fix parsing custom data types
Cypress build 7883 (2023-10-26)
- Fix USR_STR null reference exception
Cypress build 7681 (2023-08-17)
- Fix USR_STR values
Cypress build 7646 (2023-07-31)
- Cypress CTM Generic new inputs added: USR_STR_3, USR_STR_4, USR_STR_5, and USR_STR_6
Cypress build 7574 (2023-06-07)
- Update data type for BERGKAMP_TELEMETRY_CAN_API_VER, WINTER_SPRD_UNITS, SPREADERAPP_ERROR according to new specifications
Cypress build 7572 (2023-06-02)
- Add support for USR_STR_7 variable for CTM Generic device
Cypress build 7568 (2023-05-31)
- Temporarily log all PCYP fields for testing purposes
Cypress build 7564 (2023-05-29)
Cypress build 7556 (2023-05-25)
- Fix type mismatch error
Cypress build 7551 (2023-05-25)
- Add USR_STR_2 variables to CTM Generic device types
Cypress build 7549 (2023-05-25)
- Add new USR_STR_1 variables to CTM Generic device types
Cypress build 7547 (2023-05-23)
- Add new variable categories for CTM Generic device types to include GPIO, CELL, VEH, DR, SYS, and CAN
Cypress build 5169 (2021-02-11)
- Device updates
Cypress build 5041 (2020-12-17)
- Added 'PCYP_StringNull' for 'CTM-One' and 'CTM-200 R2' devices
southView complete changelog
Other Cypress Solutions devices
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