ERM Starlink tracking devices supported by GpsGate
Setup Tutorial
Plugin Name

Established in 1985, a subsidiary of Ituran Ltd (NSDQ), ERM design and produce telematics solutions distributed worldwide, including hardware devices and accessories. The STARLINK range of products is offering GPRS/3G and 4G (Cat1/M1/Cat4) devices, CanBus and Bluetooth support. The STARLINK devices are sharing a single comprehensive dynamic msg structure protocol making the integration, support and maintenance fairly easy. The Bluetooth interface enables a pairing with several 3rd party devices/sensors. Products are made in Israel, benefiting Int'l free trade agreements resulting with duty free.

Device Plugin Change Log

ERM build 9292 (2024-11-15)

  • Improve parsing data

ERM build 8046 (2023-11-16)

  • Add UL212 inputs for Generic device

ERM build 7595 (2023-06-19)

  • Add TI{1..5} input for Generic device
  • Add GenericRS232AdapterMessage for Generic and StarLink AVL device types

ERM build 6863 (2022-09-23)

  • Add IoTLink Shadow, On BATT, SMART Beacon SF, SMART MS, StarLink Asset, StarLink EV, StarLink One, and StarLink Scout devices

ERM build 6409 (2022-03-15)

  • Fix Event data parsing

ERM build 6319 (2022-02-10)

  • Fix parsing commands 103 and 104

ERM build 5768 (2021-07-01)

  • Save value for edata firmware version into variable eData_FirmwareVersion instead of FirmwareVersion

ERM build 5760 (2021-06-29)

  • Add FuelLevelLeft, FuelLevelPrevious for generic device

ERM build 5738 (2021-06-23)

  • Add report for Firmware Version

ERM build 5639 (2021-05-28)

  • Add speed limit variables

ERM build 5558 (2021-04-30)

  • Parse message type 406

ERM build 5513 (2021-04-19)

  • Add EngineHours and TDUR for generic device

ERM build 5469 (2021-04-8)

  • Fix EngineHours value and added TDUR (same value as EngineHours) for STaRLink device

ERM build 5437 (2021-03-31)

  • Add EngineHours for STaRLink device

ERM build 5169 (2021-02-11)

ERM build 4902 (2020-10-30)

  • Add 'CAN_BrakeSwitch', 'CAN_EngineTotalHoursOfOperation', 'CAN_TransmissionOilTemperature', 'CAN_EngineOilTemperature', 'CAN_CruiseControlActive', 'CAN_EngineFuelRate', 'CAN_EngineCoolantLevel'
southView complete changelog

Other ERM devices

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