Beta Release, December 2024
Updates.v5 build 9395
- Fix for saving devices with different transport protocols
- Language file updates Arabic, Chinese SP, Chinese TR, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Portuguese BR, Spanish, Swedish
Updates.v5 build 9390
- Fix registering of successfully started providers
- Support multiple outputs from Device mapper scripts on new installations
- Add tracker username, and tracker APN input fields to the User form
- Add the ability to save Transport protocol to the asset in the User form to keep track of how the tracker communicates
- Add missing phone number variable to Edit user click script
- REST API: return HTTP status 429 Too Many Requests when the request is being throttled
- Fixed the connection troubleshooting link leading to a page that does not exist in the Add asset wizard in GpsGate and the Fleet app
Updates.v5 build 9383
- Automatically log in users to the SiteAdmin application after entering username and password if they only have access to this application
- Add user image API
Úpdates.v5 build 9380
- Fix memory leak when making HTTP calls from scripts or event expression
- Fix events export
Updates.v5 build 9378
- Show idling time in hours and minutes format instead of rounded time on the trip list in the Fleet app
Updates.v5, Camera, Crash, Dispatch, Fuel Consumption, Maintenance, MultiMonitor build 9377
- Fix the broken layout in the Icon Sets window
- Update text to distinguish vehicles from assets
- Update styling and structure of the terminal logs for improved legibility and better responsive behavior
Updates.v5 build 9371
- Update the English language translation to use the word Asset instead of Vehicle
Updates.v5 build
- Replace "Idling" with "Standstill" when viewing trips in the Fleet app
Updates.v5 build 9356
- Improve handling of phone numbers in the Add Asset wizard:
- Convert added phone numbers beginning with 00 or without a country code to +(country code) before creating the QR code that sends the SMS. This lets phones detect phone numbers more easily when opening the SMS app.
Updates.v5 build 9350
- Improve text to distinguish users from assets in the common panel
- Remove the "Site Administration Application" option from the applications menu and the application selector on the login page
- Fix broken behavior for long window titles
Updates.v5 build 9346
- Improve experience when installing device plugins
Updates.v5 build 9341
- Add support for connecting all integrated trackers from the Fleet app (GpsGate Cloud servers only)
Updates.v5 build 9335
- Resolve an issue where the Daily Summary failed to display accumulator values when multiple assets were selected
Updates.v5 build 9332
- Add the ability to edit an asset's name, view tracker details and remove an asset in the Fleet app
- Update text in Add Asset screens in the Fleet app
Updates.v5 build 9330
- Add a device username field to User, User Type, and User access mask forms
Updates.v5 build 9326
- Improve responsiveness when viewing history of device commands