Build 5983

October 2021

Tracks continues to grow and improve. We know how crucial it is to daily operations for fleets. This month, we've added lots of new functionality around track points: finding the closest track point on the map, one-click view of a track point on the map from the track points list, and sorting columns to better view your track point data. We also warn users when they select an extremely large dataset that may take awhile to run.

Check below for the full notes or read the blog for an overview.

Learn how to update your server.



  • When viewing a trip on the map, click anywhere on the trip to show the closest track point to that location.
  • Click on a track point in the track points table to show it on the map.
  • It’s now possible to sort the columns in the track point list.
  • Show confirm dialog when selecting a large dataset in the Tracks panel. This can help prevent you selecting a dataset that will take a long time to run.

Maps / ArcGIS

  • ArcGIS Map can now handle maps hosted via enterprise Web Adaptor Portal URL:s.

Device Plugins

We also updated device plugins and added more supported devices. To see the updates, search for your device on our supported devices page. All individual device pages show the releases for the device manufacturer.

  • Concox
  • Fifotrack
  • Galileosky
  • Globalmatix
  • Meitrack
  • Suntech
  • Teltonica
  • TopFly
  • Xexun


No language updates this month.


User Experience

  • Selected/visible columns will always be sorted to the top of the context menu (table component improvement).
  • Menu component now supports enabling a search/filter function for narrowing down menu options.

Maps / ArcGIS

Developer & System Administration

  • Remove deprecated legacy mobile fleet settings page from Site Admin.
  • Don't kill the connection to RabbitMQ server when RabbitMQ fails to confirm all messages.

User Experience

  • Multimonitor bug fixes: Saving workspace which resulted in not being able to remove a popout from the workspace when using the multimonitor plugin; popout not being loaded in Safari.


  • Re-add the ability to search custom POI fields.
  • Fix infinite loop when using map search and using PointsOfInterest as Geocoder.
  • POI fix version check for JSON column.


  • Fix playhead moving incorrectly in the tracks timeline view when dragged.
  • Fix so that exports should now include data from visible columns.
  • Fix Tracks API issues that made interactions between Tracks and Panels like Reporting, Events & Area Search stop working.
  • Fix a case when User and Track Cleanup fails because some legacy unused tables are missing.
  • Fix: add Address column to Tracks track point table if the _LiveAddressTrackPoints privilege is enabled.


  • Fix issue when rendering reports as PDF.

Vehicle Status (beta)

  • Fix issue where the Vehicle Status popover is still visible even if the vehicle layer is hidden.

Developer & System Administration

  • Fix a bug that caused SiteAdmin -> Maps -> Geocoders page to be empty or display an error.
  • Do not show _Master role since it is not a user manageable role.
  • Fix the device model-selector not showing properly.
  • Fix settings issue when having EmailNotifier and/or TextNotifier causing failure for processing incoming device data.
  • Replace occurrences of obsolete settings.

Tracks (Legacy) was deprecated with the August release. Upon page load, the (newer) Tracks is always displayed.

As of August 17, 2021, GpsGate removed support for Internet Explorer 11. IE11 users will receive a warning in their browser. If you haven't updated your browser, we recommend it.

See the current deprecation schedule in our support portal.

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