Beta Release, October 2023
Portuguese Language, Updates.v5, Web UI build 7857
- Google Maps will no longer be loaded in developer mode when the server is missing a Google Maps API key
- Add a link to the Store from Maps and Geocoders section in Edit Application. The link is visible for servers that previously did not use Google Maps before
- Fix bug in the Store that could show "Enable feature" button instead of "Configure" button for already enabled features.
- Update Portuguese Language
- Fix REST API docs
- Add "Waiting for Google Maps to be enabled" notification while map is activating after enabling Google Maps via the Store
- Change server update success button in the Store from "Done" to "Reload page" allowing browsers to get the new files required to enable the feature
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7851
- REST API: Add endpoint for updating device information
- Fix starting HTTP NMEA listeners
Mobile, Updates.v5 build 7848
- Dashboard: Overhaul Widgets in the Fleet App to now show sum, latest value, and which data is being fetched
- REST API: Fix calculation of accumulator value
- Fix HTTP NMEA listeners
Spanish Language, Web UI build 7846
- Fix issue that could cause Dashboard Drilldown windows to close when filtering the Widget view
- Add option to list vehicles with no odometer configured from Dashboard Metric setup
- Update Dashboard Top List bars to always be relative to the highest value
- Improve readability for Event State Distribution Metrics in the Dashboard feature
- Adjust Widget layout in the Dashboard feature
- Update Spanish language
Updates.v5 build 7838
- Fix rare occurrence when GpsGate service didn't start after reboot
Publish, Updates.v5 build 7833
- Performance improvements to the Store
- Ignore SiteAdmin application when activating Publish
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7830
- Improve presentation and functionality for communicating helpful texts in the Dashboard feature
- Fix Device Mapper Templates to display correctly when saved in SiteAdmin
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7826
- Fix description validation error in edit application form
- Improve Maintenance feature management for multiple applications
Updates.v5 build 7822
- Update applications to no longer disable Google Maps when removing keys from Legacy SiteAdmin or when enabling in-Store
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7820
- Add button to manage metrics when editing a Widget in the Dashboard feature
- Improve UI to better inform whether a Metric is disabled in the Dashboard feature
- Fix issue causing error when deleting custom device variables
GoogleGeolocationProvider, TelefonicaGeolocationProvider, Updates.v5, Web UI build 7813
Google Maps feature is now available in the Store
- Add new "Maps and Geocoders" section to Edit Application form
- Map plugins, ArcGIS layers, and custom maps are managed in the application (previously found in "Privileges" section)
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7809
- Optimize data usage in the Dashboard feature
Web UI build 7802
- Fix blank screen issue after creating an application from a template with "Save as Application" button
- Dashboard: Resolution is now chosen automatically to improve performance
Updates.v5, Web UI build 7796
- Modernize behavior and looks for our in-app notifications
- Dashboard: now able to select vehicles and pan the map to their current location
Mobile, Updates.v5, Web UI build 7775
- Adjust date range before every refresh if needed in the Maintenance feature
- Update Application Templates to use licenses in the same way as regular applications
- Add missing odometer warning to total distance metrics in the Dashboard feature
- Add missing translations to the Dashboard feature in the Fleet app