Teltonika Telematics FMB001

Device Plugin Change Log
Teltonika build 9488 (2025-02-06)
- Fix parsing of crash data
Teltonika build 9479 (2025-02-04)
- Add CAN300 inputs for Teltonika FMB230 tracker
Teltonika build 9468 (2025-01-30)
- Enable tachograph data elements for FMC650
Teltonika build 9444 (2025-01-22)
- Add CSFCruiseControl for FMC130 tracker
Teltonika build 9443 (2025-01-21)
- Fix handling invalid data by Iridium parser
Teltonika build 9440 (2025-01-21)
- Add signals HarshAcceleration, HarshBraking, HarshCornering for: FMM880, FMC880 and FMM650 trackers
Teltonika build 9423 (2025-01-10)
- Improve code performance
Teltonika build 9419 (2025-01-09)
- Add support for indoor positioning for Teltonika's FMC650 tracker
Teltonika build 9410 (2025-01-07)
- Add IgnitionOnCounter for Teltonika TFT100 tracker
Teltonika build 9398 (2024-12-17)
- Add AVLs 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 86, 104, 106, 108, 113, 182, 241 to the FMP100 tracker
- Add AVLs 17, 18, and 19 to the TFT100 tracking device
- Add AVL 66 to the FMM920 tracker
- Add AVLs 16, 113, 240, and 449 to the FMB930 and FMB965 tracking device
- Add new FTC305 tracking device
Teltonika build 9331 (2024-11-26)
- Fix data type and unit for various AVLs
Teltonika build 9317 (2024-11-22)
- Add RS232_COM1Data, RS232_COM2Data, Impulse Counter RPM 3, Impulse Counter RPM 4, LLS 1 FUELLEVEL, and LLS 2 FUELLEVEL variables to FMC650 tracking device
Teltonika build 9200 (2024-11-04)
- Add support for Teltonika FMC880 and FMM880 UnplugDetection input
Teltonika build 9083 (2024-10-07)
- Fix error when receiving the reply of command
Teltonika build 9078 (2024-10-04)
- Add new EcoDriving_EventType, EcoDriving_TotalDistance, EcoDriving_TotalFuelUsed, EcoDriving_TotalTime, EcoDriving_CruiseDistance, EcoDriving_CruiseFuelUsed, EcoDriving_CruiseTime inputs to Teltonika's FMC650 device
Teltonika build 9057 (2024-09-24)
- Fix input properties
Teltonika build 9044 (2024-09-24)
- Add AdvancedBeacons_Data for FMC640 and FMC650 devices
- Add all CAN adapter elements for the FMC650 device
Teltonika build 9024 (2024-09-23)
- Fix TrackPoint's timestamp for Codec13
Teltonika build 9016 (2024-09-19)
- Set TrackPoint value as empty by default
Teltonika build 8921 (2024-08-30)
- Fix mapping for all devices, particularly the FMB130 model
Teltonika build 8902 (2024-08-27)
- Add IgnitionOnCounter for FMB140 device
Teltonika build 8890 (2024-08-21)
- Fix LVCAN_BatteryVoltage value for FMC150 device
Teltonika build 8867 (2024-08-12)
- Add support for variables for the FMC150 device
Teltonika build 8859 (2024-08-02)
- Add support for VehicleRangeOnBattery, VehiclesRangeOnAdditionalFuel, CAN_VIN for Teltonika FMB140 device
Teltonika build 8856 (2024-08-24)
- Add UnplugDetection for Teltonika FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8842 (2024-07-24)
- Fix bug with encoding Driver1Name and Driver1Surname
Teltonika build 8838 (2024-07-19)
- Add Driver1RemainingCurrentDrivingTime, Driver1RemainingDrivingTimeOfCurrentWeek, Driver1AdditionalInformation, Driver1RemainingTimeOfCurrentBreakRest, Driver1TimeLeftUntilNextDrivingPeriod, Driver1DurationOfNextDrivingPeriod, and Tachograph_VehicleInMotion(AVL ID: 183) signals to the FMB640 device
Teltonika build 8837 (2024-07-19)
- Add BLE_FuelFrequency1, BLE_FuelFrequency2, BLE_FuelFrequency3, BLE_FuelFrequency4 to the FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8824 (2024-07-16)
- Improve the behavior of the CrashDetection signal for the FMC003 device
Teltonika build 8823 (2024-07-16)
- Fix errors in log and terminal when data is sent to GpsGate from a device that does not exist
Teltonika build 8822 (2024-07-16)
- Add BatteryLevel, TotalOdometer, Movement, and IgnitionOnCounter signals to the FMC150 & FMC230 devices
Teltonika build 8818 (2024-07-11)
- Ignore IButton zero by default
Teltonika build 8810 (2024-07-10)
- Fix OneWire variables
Teltonika build 8809 (2024-07-10)
- Improve CrashDetection signal behavior for FMC003 device
Teltonika build 8788 (2024-07-04)
- Add metafield CrashDetection support for the FMC003 device
Teltonika build 8785 (2024-07-02)
- Add TK_Touchprint_IO_Input_{1..6}, TK_Touchprint_IO_Setpoint_{1..3} to FMC650 device
Teltonika build 8770 (2024-06-28)
- Add new NetworkType DigitalOutput1, and DigitalOutput2 signals to FMC150 device
- Add new TotalOdometer signal to FMP100 device
Teltonika build 8742 (2024-06-24)
- Add new TSH202_Humidity_1, TSH202_Humidity_2, TSH202_Humidity_3, TSH202_Humidity_4 inputs to FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8699 (2024-06-14)
- Add IButton, IButton_Reverse, IButton_Connected inputs to FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8675 (2024-06-3)
- Add support for new FMC250 & FMM250 devices
Teltonika build 8666 (2024-05-28)
- Add new Beacon_Data input to Teltonika FMC640 and FMC650 devices
Teltonika build 8659 (2024-05-27)
- Add new GnnssStatus, ExternalVoltage, BatteryVoltage, Movement, and AxisX,Y,Z device inputs to Teltonika's FMC880 device
- Add the DigitalInput4 device input to Teltonika's TFT100 device
Teltonika build 8644 (2024-05-21)
- Fix parsing NetworkType input for FMC640 & FMC650 devices
- Add FridgeTemperatureProbe1-4 inputs for FMC650 device
Teltonika build 8641 (2024-05-21)
- Fix TotalOdometer input for FMB641, FMC640, FMC650, FMC920, FMM00A, FMM003 devices
Teltonika build 8602 (2024-04-30)
- Add GroundSense signal to GMC130 device
- Add BLE_Sensor_Custom{1..4}, and Beacons for FMC640 and FMC650 devices
Teltonika build 8585 (2024-04-25)
- Add more robust parsing for dual-camera
Teltonika build 8580 (2024-04-23)
- Fix LVCAN_EngineTemperature signal
Teltonika build 8576 (2024-04-23)
- Add support for BLE_LLS_Fuel inputs for FMC640 device
- Add support for EYE_Sensor_5-8 for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8534 (2024-04-12)
- Add AverageFuelUse, EcoScore, DataMode, SleepMode, UserID, Towing, BatteryCurrent, VIN, OBD_FuelType, and FaultCodes inputs to FMB140 device
Teltonika build 8512 (2024-04-08)
- Add support for multiple EYE sensors for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8450 (2024-03-18)
- Add TotalOdometer input to FMC125 device
- Add "Driver1CurrentDailyDrivingTime" and "Driver1TimeUntilRestPeriod" inputs to FMC650 device
Teltonika build 8425 (2024-03-12)
- Add new CAN300_EngineWorkTimeCounted input to FMC130 device
Teltonika build 8405 (2024-02-29)
- Add new SerialPacket (AVL ID: 109) input to FMC125 device
Teltonika build 8385 (2024-02-28)
- Fix missing device definitions
Teltonika build 8345 (2024-02-20)
- Fix mismatched message fields type/unit/description
Teltonika build 8325 (2024-02-12)
- Add Beacon_Sata(AVL ID: 385) to FMC125 device
Teltonika build 8319 (2024-02-09)
- Add EYE_Temperature_{1..4}, EYE_Humidity_{1..4} for FMC230
Teltonika build 8297 (2024-02-02)
- Add support for new TAT240 device
- Add new OBD_OEM_TotalMileage and OBD_OEM_FuelLevel inputs to FMB001
- Add new BatteryLevel input to FMC130 device
- Add new BLE_Temperature1, BLE_Temperature2, BLE_Temperature3, BLE_Temperature4, BLE_Humidity1, BLE_Humidity2, BLE_Humidity3, BLE_Humidity4 to FMC230 device
Teltonika build 8274 (2024-01-29)
- Add support for FMC234, FMM650, FMB930, FMM80A, and TAT141 devices
- Add new Immobilizer and AutoGeofenceEnter inputs to FMC125 device
- Add new Beacon_Input to FMC920 device
Teltonika build 8246 (2024-01-19)
- Add TAT140 device
- Add support for BLE sensor for FMC13A device
- Add BatteryLevel, UMTS_LTE_CellID, HDOP, NetworkType, LAC, MCC, MNC, AutoGeofenceExit, IButton, and Towing inputs to FMC125 device
Teltonika build 8180 (2024-01-02)
- Fix SaveChangesOnly values for multiple inputs
Teltonika build 8160 (2023-12-18)
- Add new "TellTale0", "TellTale1", "TellTale2", "TellTale3" inputs to FMC650 device
- Add new "BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent1" input to FMC125 device
- Add new "BLE_Temperature1" and "BLE_Temperature2" inputs to FMM880 device
- Add dual camera support for the FMC650 device
Teltonika build 8139 (2023-12-07)
- Fix security state flags parsing for FMB120 device
Teltonika build 8131 (2023-12-05)
- Add new "BLE_Temperature1", "BLE_Temperature2", "BLE_Temperature3", "BLE_Temperature4", "BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent1", "BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent2", "BLE_Humidity1", "BLE_Humidity2", "BLE_FuelLevel_1", "BLE_FuelLevel_2", "BLE_1_Sensor_Custom1", "BLE_1_Sensor_Custom2", "BLE_2_Sensor_Custom1", "BLE_2_Sensor_Custom2" inputs to FMC880 device
Teltonika build 8128 (2023-12-04)
- Add new Alarm (AVL Id - 236) input to FMP100 device
- Add new "CAN300_ControlStateFlags", "CAN300_SecurityStateFlags", "CAN300_SecurityStateFlags_HEX" inputs to FMB620 device
- Add new "RearCameraState", "FrontCameraState", "EYE_LowBattery_1", "EYE_LowBattery_2", "EYE_LowBattery_3", "EYE_LowBattery_4", "EYE_BatteryVoltage_1", "EYE_BatteryVoltage_2", "EYE_BatteryVoltage_3", "EYE_BatteryVoltage_4" inputs to FMC125 device
Teltonika build 8113 (2023-11-28)
- Add input "Lost_BLE_Beacon" for Teltonika TAT100 device
Teltonika build 8094 (2023-11-22)
- Fix CCID_Part3 input parsing issue for FMB640 device
Teltonika build 7845 (2023-10-16)
- Add Teltonika Telematics FTC881 device
- Add Teltonika Telematics FTC921 device
- Add Teltonika Telematics FTC961 device
Teltonika build 7830 (2023-10-06)
- Add FMC880 device
- Add FMM880 device
- Add ExternalVoltage, BatteryVoltage, GsmSignalStrength, SatelliteCount for FMC150 device
- Add TotalOdometer for FMU130 device
Teltonika build 7826 (2023-10-04)
- Add input field "AVL 20012" to variable "Recovery_Mode_Alarm" for TAT100 device
Teltonika build 7751 (2023-09-11)
- Add SerialPacket for FMC125 device
- Add more inputs for FMM00A device
- Add support of Crash for FMC920 device
- Add BLEFuelLevel{1..4} for FMB120 device
Teltonika build 7681 (2023-08-17)
- Add BLE_1_Sensor_Custom1, BLE_2_Sensor_Custom1 for the FMC920 device
Teltonika build 7599 (2023-06-21)
- Add LVCAN_FuelConsumedCounted (ID 107) input for the FMC150 device
Teltonika build 7578 (2023-06-12)
- Add DallasTemperature{1..4} for the FMB120 device
Teltonika build 7555 (2023-05-26)
- Add new BreakPedal and DSM inputs for Teltonika Telematics FMB640 & FMC640 devices: DSM_Drowsiness, DSM_Distraction, DSM_Yawning, DSM_Phone, DSM_Smoking, DSM_DriverAbsence, DSM_Mask, DSM_GSensor, DSM_ActiveDriverName, DSM_RecordingStatus, DSM_GPSStatus, DSM_Speed, DSM_ErrorCode, DSM_SeatbeltStatus, and DSM_CameraState
Teltonika build 7539 (2023-05-22)
- Add new inputs for Teltonika FMC125 device: BLE_FuelFrequency1, BLE_FuelFrequency2, BLE_FuelFrequency3, and BLE_FuelFrequency4
Teltonika build 7485 (2023-05-15)
- Add new inputs for Teltonika FMC150 device: LVCAN_VehicleSpeed, LVCAN_AccPedalPositio, LVCAN_EngineRPM, LVCAN_TotalMileage, LVCAN_FuelLevelPerCent, LVCAN_EngineTemperature, CAN300_ControlStateFlags, CAN300_SecurityStateFlag, CAN300_TripDistance, LVCAN_BatteryVoltage, and CAN_SecurityStateFlagsP4
Teltonika build 7485 (2023-04-27)
- Fix upgrading scripts for Teltonika devices
Teltonika build 7461 (2023-04-20)
- Add new Teltonika Telematics FMM003 device with basic inputs: Speedometer, BatteryVoltage, TripOdometer, and TotalOdometer
- Teltonika Telematics FMC003 improvements around OBD inputs
- Fix location in Teltonika SMS alarm message
Teltonika build 7449 (2023-04-17)
- FMM00A new inputs added for OBD_OEM_FuelLevel
Teltonika build 7441 (2023-04-12)
- Add support for TotalOdometer input for Teltonika FMM00A device
Teltonika build 7433 (2023-04-06)
- Add support for OBD_OEM_BatteryChargeState, OBD_OEM_BatteryChargeLevel, and OBD_OEM_RemainingDistance for the FMC003 device
Teltonika build 7428 (2023-04-05)
- Add support for OBD_HybridBattery for Teltonika FMC003 device
Teltonika build 7426 (2023-04-05)
- Add support for Teltonika Telematics FMB150, FMC150, and FMM150 tracking devices
Teltonika build 7400 (2023-03-30)
- Add support for Teltonika's FMC650 tracking device
Teltonika build 7375 (2023-03-17)
- Add new inputs for the FMC920 device: BatteryCurrent, BatteryLevel, CellID, DigitalInput1, DigitalInput2, DigitalOutput2, EventID, ExternalVoltage, IButton_Reverse, IButton_Connected, LAC, OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature, OBD_EngineFuelRate, OBD_EngineRPM, OBD_FuelLevel, OBD_MIL_Distance, OBD_ThrottlePosition, OBD_VehicleSpeed, and SatelliteCount
Teltonika build 7367 (2023-03-15)
- Add support for advanced beacon
Teltonika build 7366 (2023-03-14)
- Add new inputs for the FMB920 device: LAC, MNC, MCC, and CellID
- Add new inputs for the FMM00A device: OBD_MIL_Distance, and OBD_CodeClearDistance
- Add new input for the TFT100 device: ManualCAN<1-29>_HEX
Teltonika build 7357 (2023-03-13)
- Add new inputs for the FMM00A device: DTC_Count, OBD_EngineLoad, OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature, OBD_EngineRPM, OBD_IntakeAirTemperature, OBD_ThrottlePosition, OBD_RunTimeSinceEngineStart, AmbientAirTemperature, OBD_RunTimeMilOn, OBD_RunTimeSinceCodeClear, OBD_EngineOilTemperature, OBD_EngineFuelRate, and OBD_OEM_TotalMileage
Teltonika build 7343 (2023-03-09)
- Add new signals for the FMM230 device
Teltonika build 7342 (2023-03-08)
- Add DallasTemperature{1..4} input for FM1100 device
Teltonika build 7327 (2023-03-06)
- Add new input for Teltonika's FMB120 device for NetworkType (237)
- Add new inputs for Teltonika's FMB130 for NetworkType (237) and OperatorCode (241)
Teltonika build 7318 (2023-03-02)
- Add UnplugDetection input to the FMB003 device
Teltonika build 7308 (2023-02-28)
- Add Teltonika FMC130 device input for CrashDetection
Teltonika build 7307 (2023-02-28)
- Add Teltonika FMC003 device new inputs for OBD_VehicleSpeed, OBD_FuelLevel
Teltonika build 7282 (2023-02-20)
- Add new signal support for the FMB003 device
Teltonika build 7273 (2023-02-15)
- Add integration for Teltonika's FMM800 and FMC800 tracking devices
Teltonika build 7257 (2023-02-08)
- Add support for private mode on the FMC003 device
Teltonika build 7244 (2023-02-06)
- Add support for CrashDetection for the FMC640 device
Teltonika build 7219 (2023-02-01)
- Fix OneWire upgrade scripts
- Fix Beacons parsing
Teltonika build 7195 (2023-01-26)
- Add BLE_Temperature{1..4} for FMB202 and FMB204 devices
- Add OneWire for FMB204 device
- Extend supported variables for FMC13A, FMM13A, and FMM920 devices
Teltonika build 7188 (2023-01-24)
- Add support for Axis x, y ,and z for Teltonika FMC640 device.
Teltonika build 7185 (2023-01-24)
- Fix OneWire implementation for devices with 3/4/6 sensors
- Integrate Beacons (AVL ID 385) into OneWire
- Rename SensorTemp{1..6} to Sensor_{1..6}
- Rename TemperatureSensor{1..3} to Sensor_{1..3}
- Rename DallasTemperature{1..3} to Sensor_{1..3}
Teltonika build 7138 (2023-01-19)
- Fix calculating G-forces for X, Y, and Z axes when a crash is detected.
Teltonika build 7123 (2023-01-13)
- Add support for Teltonika "ADAS Camera" for FMB640, FMC640, FMB125, FMC125, FMB225, and FMC225 devices
Teltonika build 7122 (2023-01-13)
- Add support for FMB003: OEM_DistanceUntilService, OEM_BatteryStateOfHealth, OEM_BatteryTemperature
Teltonika build 7121 (2023-01-13)
- Add support for new signals for FMB003 device: Movement, DigitalOutput1, AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ, CrashDetectionDetails, CrashDetection, HarshAcceleration, HarshBraking, HarshCornering, HarshAccelerationValue, HarshBrakingValue, HarshCorneringValue, OBD_EngineLoad, OBD_ShortTermFuelTrim1, OBD_ThrottlePosition, and CAN300_AccPedalPosition
Teltonika build 7116 (2023-01-12)
- Add support for multiple variables for FMM00A device: Ignition, ExternalVoltage, Speedometer, BatteryVoltage, BatteryLevel, VIN, OBD_FuelLevel, Towing, UnplugDetection, CrashDetection, CrashDetectionDetails, JammingDetection, HarshAcceleration, HarshBraking, HarshCornering, HarshAccelerationValue, HarshBrakingValue, HarshCorneringValue, HarshAccelerationDuration, HarshBrakingDuration, and HarshCorneringDuration
Teltonika build 7102 (2022-12-29)
- Add FMC125 device support for DigitalInput1, DigitalInput2, DigitalInput3,AnalogInput1, AnalogInput2, DigitalOutput1, DigitalOutput2, EscortLLSFuelLevel_1 to EscortLLSFuelLevel_4 and LLSFuelLevel_1 to LLSFuelLevel_5
Teltonika build 7092 (2022-12-22)
- Add UnplugDetection input for FMC003 device
Teltonika build 7088 (2022-12-19)
- Add support for VIN(256) and ExternalVoltage for FMC003 device
Teltonika build 7087 (2022-12-15)
- Add support for new variables for FMC920 device: Movement, GsmSignalStrength, GnnssStatus, Speedometer, BatteryVoltage, TripOdometer, TotalOdometer, PDOP, HDOP, DigitalOutput1, NetworkType, Trip, OverSpeeding, Idling, HarshAcceleration, HarshAccelerationValue, HarshBraking, HarshBrakingValue, HarshCornering, HarshCorneringValue Towing, UnplugDetection, Immobilizer, and JammingDetection
Teltonika build 7086 (2022-12-15)
- TellTale0, TellTale1, TellTale2 and TellTale3 variables fix
Teltonika build 7072 (2022-12-08)
- New inputs supported for FMC003 device: OBD_EngineLoad, OBD_IntakeManifoldAbsolutePressure, and DTC_Count
Teltonika build 7069 (2022-12-06)
- Add new inputs for FMB003 device: OBD_HybridBattery, OBD_HybridSystemVoltage, OBD_HybridSystemCurrent, OBD_OEM_BatteryChargeState, OBD_OEM_BatteryChargeLevel, OBD_OEM_BatteryPowerConsumption, and OBD_OEM_RemainingDistance
Teltonika build 7068 (2022-12-06)
- Fix crash detection input for FMB640 device
Add support for new inputs in FMM series devices:
- FMM001: Beacon_Data, BLE_Temperature1, BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent1, BLE_Humidity1, BLE_FuelLevel_1, BLE_Luminosity1, and BLE_1_Sensor_Custom1
- FMM125: & FMM130: & FMM640: BLE_Temperature1, BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent1, BLE_Humidity1, BLE_FuelLevel_1, BLE_Luminosity1, and BLE_1_Sensor_Custom1
Teltonika build 7067 (2022-12-05)
- Code refactoring
Teltonika build 7032 (2022-11-22)
- Teltonika FMB003 added support for CAN300_AdBlueLevelPerCent (AVL 111) and CAN300_AdBlueLevelLiters (AVL 112)
Teltonika build 7026 (2022-11-17)
- Code refactoring
Teltonika build 7017 (2022-11-14)
- Add support to FMC003 device for the following signals: OBD_BarometricPressure, OBD_CodeClearDistance, OBD_CommandedEGR, OBD_DirectFuelRailPressure, OBD_EGRError, OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature, OBD_EngineCoolantTemperature, OBD_EngineOilTemperature, OBD_EngineRPM, OBD_FuelLevel, OBD_IntakeAirTemperature, OBD_MIL_Distance, OBD_OEM_FuelLevel, OBD_OEM_TotalMileage, OBD_RunTimeSinceCodeClear, OBD_VehicleSpeed, HarshAcceleration, HarshAccelerationValue, HarshBraking, HarshBrakingValue, HarshCornering, and HarshCorneringValue
Teltonika build 7013 (2022-11-09)
- Fix BLE_1_Sensor_Custom2 value parsing for FMC125 device
Teltonika build 6999 (2022-11-04)
- Add support for Teltonika FMC920 device: External Voltage, Analog Input1, and Digital Input1
Teltonika build 6998 (2022-11-04)
Add support for Teltonika FMC125 device:
- External Voltage, Battery Voltage, GNSS Speed, Satellite Count, Ignition, GSM Signal Level, GSM Operator Code, BT Status Network Type, Movement, Unplug Detection, Crash Detection, Green Driving Value, Green Driving Type, Jamming, and BLE 1 Custom 2 (BLE SOS button)
- LVCAN200: Total Mileage (Dashboard), Fuel Consumed, Fuel Level %, Engine RPM, Engine Temp, Speed, and Accelerator Position
Teltonika build 6948 (2022-10-19)
- Add support for BatteryLevel for FMB202 and FMB204 devices
Teltonika build 6941 (2022-10-18)
- Add support for BarcodeID for FMC125 and FMC130 devices
Teltonika build 6906 (2022-10-10)
- Add support for ExternalVoltage, BatteryLevel, AnalogInput1, AnalogInput2 for FMC230 device
- Add support for TachographTotalVehicleDistance for FMB202 device
- Add support for TachographTotalVehicleDistance for FMB204 device
Teltonika build 6916 (2022-10-10)
- Add support for BatteryLevel (AVL 113) for FMB122 device.
- Add support for AxisX, AxisY and AxisZ for FMB630 device.
Teltonika build 6921 (2022-10-06)
- Add BatteryVoltage support for TAT100 device
- Add Movement support for FMB965 device
- Add BatteryCurrent support for FMB120 & FMB122 devices
Teltonika build 6884 (2022-10-04)
- Add DigitalInput1, DigitalInput2, DigitalInput3 for FMC230 device
Teltonika build 6890 (2022-10-03)
- Add Teltonika AVL ID 238 (User ID) for FMB204 and FMC130 devices
Teltonika build 6884 (2022-09-29)
- Add Beacon Data Support for FMC001 device
Teltonika build 6877 (2022-09-28)
- Fix for FMC130 LVCAN Fuel consumed
- Add "ExtendedExternalVoltage" support for TFT100
- Add BLE Custom sensors support for FMB125, FMB920, and FMC001
Teltonika build 6862 (2022-09-23)
- Add FMC00A, FMC13A, FMM00A, and FMM13A devices
Teltonika build 6833 (2022-09-16)
- Add BLEFuelLevel{1..4} for FMB130, FMC130 devices
Teltonika build 6804 (2022-09-07)
- Add support for BLE_FuelFrequency and BTStatus for FMB920 device
Teltonika build 6765 (2022-08-24)
- Add support for EYE sensors for FMB125, FMB640, FMB910, FMB920, FMC130 devices. Supported signals include: Temperature, Humidity, Magnet, Battery Voltage, Low Battery, Angle-Position, and Movement
- Add DigitalInput1/2/3, DigitalOutput1/2/3 for FMB204 device
Teltonika build 6750 (2022-08-18)
- Add new signals for Teltonika FMB001 & FMC001 devices:
•DTC Count (AVL 30)
•DTC Faults Count (AVL 160)
•DTC Faults Codes (AVL 282) - Add support for BLE Temperature and Humidity sensors for FBM910 device
Teltonika build 6742 (2022-08-17)
- Teltonika Iridium Edge fixes
Teltonika build 6734 (2022-08-10)
- Add support for DigitalInput1 for FMC130 device
- Add support for Teltonika Iridium Edge
Teltonika build 6719 (2022-07-19)
- Add support for ImpulseCounterFrequency1,ImpulseCounterRpm1, ImpulseCounterFrequency2, ImpulseCounterRpm2 and ImpulseCounter2 for FMB640 and FMC640 devices
Teltonika build 6707 (2022-07-08)
- Add support for Tire1GraphicalPosition - Tire24GraphicalPosition and Tire1SensorId - Tire24SensorId for Teltonika FMC640
- Add support for TripOdometer, TotalOdometer, DigitalOutput2, DigitalOutput3,DallasTemperature1 - DallasTemperature4 for Teltonika FMC130
- Add support for DallasTemperature 2, 3, 4 for Teltonika FMB130
Teltonika build 6627 (2022-06-08)
- Increase buffer for Dualcam protocol
Teltonika build 6625 (2022-06-07)
- Add BLE_{1..4}_Sensor_Custom{1..5} for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 6583 (2022-05-24)
- Add DataMode, SleepMode, BTStatus, AxisX/Y/Z for FMC130 device
- Fix parsing Manual CAN values
Teltonika build 6576 (2022-05-20)
- Add ICCID1/2for FMB120, FMB140 devices
- Add TripOdometer for FMB120, FMB122, FMB125, FMB140, FMU125 devices
Teltonika build 6563 (2022-05-13)
- Add LinkModeString for FMC125 device
Teltonika build 6535 (2022-05-09)
- Add towing for FMB130 device
- Add support for BLE and Beacon signals for FMC130/TFT100 devices
Teltonika build 6470 (2022-04-13)
- Add DigitalInput{1..3} for FMM130 device
Teltonika build 6461 (2022-04-07)
- Add FMB910, FMB900, FMB965, FMB230, FMC230, FMM230, FMB240, FMC225, FMB225, FMB209, FMC125, MSP500, TRB245, TRB255, RUT956, RUTX09, RUTX11, RUTX12, RUTX14 devices
- Fix parsing SecurityStateFlags for FMB120 device
- Add Towing for FMT100 device
- Fix parsing sms messages with TimeStamp
- Add AnalogInput1 for FMU130 device
Teltonika build 6441 (2022-03-28)
- Add FMB641 device
Teltonika build 6431 (2022-03-22)
- Add TPMS_TotalTires, TPMS_TotalAxles, TPMS_GraphicalPosition, TPMS_Tire{1..24}Pressure, TPMS_Tire{1..24}Temperature, TPMS_Tire{1..24}Warning for FMC640 device
Teltonika build 6321 (2022-02-11)
- Fix LinkModeString value
Teltonika build 6302 (2022-02-07)
- Set save_changes_only = false for MovementEvent variable
- Add VIN for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 6194 (2022-01-12)
- Add FMC001 device
- Fix FuelUsedGPS and AverageFuelUse values
Teltonika build 6188 (2022-01-10)
- Fix LinkModeString value
- Add IgnitionOnCounter for FMB130 and FMU125 devices
- Add InstantMovement, MovementEvent, PowerEvent, ButtonClickID, ButtonClickAction, AmberAlertState, AmberAlertTimerValue, HeartRateAlert, UserID for GH5200
- Add 'BLE_1_Sensor_Custom1..4', 'BLE_2_Sensor_Custom1..4', 'BLE_3_Sensor_Custom1..4',
- Add BatteryVoltage for FMB204 device
Teltonika build 6168 (2021-12-16) *note: in beta and dependent on Camera plugin until January 2022 release
- Fix parsing BLE_FuelFrequency values for FMB122 device
- Change picture name to guid
Teltonika build 6134 (2021-12-03)
- Add FaultCodes for FMB001 and FMU130 devices
- Add variables from FMB140 to FMB130
- Extend FMB122 functionality
- Extend FMB204 functionality
Teltonika build 6124 (2021-11-26)
- Increase Dualcam buffer and disable CRC validation
- Add UnplugDetection for FMT100 device
- Add FridgeTemperatureProbe1..4 for FMB640 device
Teltonika build 6106 (2021-11-22)
- Fix CRC calculation for dualcam picture frames
Teltonika build 6081 (2021-11-12)
- Add VIN for FMB001 device
Teltonika build 6013 (2021-10-19)
- Fix dualcam data parsing
- Fix parsing AVL ID 87 value for multiple devices
Teltonika build 5990 (2021-10-12)
- Fix parsing LVCAN_FuelLevelPerCent for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 5983 (2021-10-07)
- Add 'VehicleIdentificationNumberPart1' for FMB640
- Add 'CAN300_EngineTemperature', 'CAN300_TotalFuelUsed', 'CAN300_FuelLevelLiters' for FMM130 device
- Add 'TellTale0/1/2/3' for FMB640 device
- Add 'BLE_Temperature1', 'BLE_Sensor1_Raw' for FMU130 device
- Add 'BLE_Temperature1/2/3/4', 'BLE_Temperature1/2/3/4_Valid' for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 5974 (2021-10-05)
- Improve dualcam protocol
Teltonika build 5922 (2021-09-15)
- Add SecurityStateFlags_P4 for FMB120 device
Teltonika build 5919 (2021-09-10)
- Fix parsing dualcam picture data
- Add EscortLLSTemperature_1/2, EscortLLSFuelLevel_1/2 , and SecurityStateFlags_P4 for FMB140 device
Teltonika build 5872 (2021-08-26)
- Add support for Dualcam
- Add 'Immobilizer' for FMU130 device
- Add 'ExternalVoltage' for FMB003 device
- Add 'EventID' for FMC130 device
Teltonika build 5821 (2021-08-03)
- Add IgnitionOnCounter for FMC130 and FMU130 devices
Teltonika build 5819 (2021-07-29)
- Add Axis X/Y/Z for FMB640 device
Teltonika build 5813 (2021-07-23)
- Add BLE Fuel Frequency 1-4 to FMU130
Teltonika build 5810 (2021-07-18)
- Add all LLS variables to FMB640 (IDs 201-204, 210-215, 721-724)
Teltonika build 5792 (2021-07-06)
- Add manual CAN data for TFT100
Teltonika build 5760 (2021-06-29)
- Add FM3001's variables to FMM001
Teltonika build 5756 (2021-06-28)
- Add UL202 inputs to FMB125
Teltonika build 5745 (2021-06-23)
- Extend FMB125 functionality with CAN300 variables
Teltonika build 5725 (2021-06-18)
- Add custom inputs to FMC640, add ICCID to FMB920
Teltonika build 5682 (2021-06-09)
- Add support for Geolocation
Teltonika build 5673 (2021-06-08)
- Change Driver1Name, Driver1Surname and DTC_Value to string
Teltonika build 5648 (2021-06-02)
- Add FMB204 device
Teltonika build 5640 (2021-05-31)
- Add variables for FMM130 and FMB640
Teltonika build 5580 (2021-05-06)
- Add BatteryLevel (AVL ID 113) to FMB920
Teltonika build 5577 (2021-05-05)
- Add BLE sensors for the FMB122 device
- Add Movement for the FMP100 device
Teltonika build 5496 (2021-04-14)
- Add parameters to the FMB003 device
Teltonika build 5469 (2021-04-08)
- Add parameters to the FMC130 device
Teltonika build 5420 (2021-03-26)
- Add UnplugDetection for the FMP100 device
Teltonika build 5401 (2021-03-22)
- Add VehicleRangeOnBattery for the FMB120 device
- Add FMP100 device
Teltonika build 5267 (2021-02-17)
- Add DallasTemperature1 for the FMB130 device
- Add FMM001 device
- Add DataMode, Trip, TripOdometer, TotalOdometer for the TFT100 device
- Fix BLE_Temperature{1..4}, BLE_BatteryVoltagePercent{1..4}, BLE_Humidity{1..4} values for FMC640 device
- Add FMM125, FMM130, and FMM640 devices
Teltonika build 5169 (2021-02-11)
Teltonika build 5027 (2020-12-18)
- Add 'ExternalVoltage', 'BatteryVoltage', 'GsmSignalStrength', 'SatelliteCount', 'JammingDetection', 'Movement' for FMU130 device
Teltonika build 4983 (2020-11-27)
- Add 'CAN300_EngineOilLevel' and 'CAN300_EngineTemperature' for FMB 122, FMB130, FMU130 devices
- Add BLE sensors for FMC640
- Extended supported inputs by FMC640 device
- Extended supported inputs by TFT100 device
Teltonika build 4910 (2020-11-04)
- Add 'BLE_Temperature{1..4}_Valid' for devices which supports 'BLE_Temperature{1..4}'
Teltonika build 4898 (2020-10-29)
- Fix 'Tachograph_Driver1_ID' and 'Tachograph_Driver2_ID' values
- Add 'CAN200_DoorStatus' for FMB122/FMB130 devices
- Fix parsing 'CAN300_EngineWorkTimeCounted' value
- Fix BLE_Temperature values